By default all emails sent from SpeedAdmin are cryptographically signed with a DKIM signature using the domain.
If you have set up sending email from your own domain instead of the default, you should also align the DKIM signature to the domain of your From address and your SPF record.
This is how you activate it
Before activating in SpeedAdmin, you must setup a CNAME record for your domain, that redirects DKIM validators from your domain to the SpeedAdmin domain. For example:
speedadmin2._domainkey.[] must point to
After the CNAME record has been updated, you can activate the custom DKIM signature in SpeedAdmin:
Goto: Settings -> Settings -> Tab:"Email Sender".
First you must have marked "Send emails on behalf of your own domain" and have configured the "From email address". Then you can check the "DKIM sign by custom domain".