Anonymization of users is used to comply with the rules of GDPR and to lessen the amount of information we have on the users in the system.
We currently support anonymization of the following profile types:
- Student
- Guardian
- Teachers
- Users
Automatic and bulk anonymization
Settings -> System -> Anonymization
Automatic and mass anonymization can be handled through the anonymization page.
First page shows a list of all users that are eligible to be anonymized (Anonymization candidates). The list of anonymization candidates has the following columns:
- User Type - Can be Student or Guardian
- User Name - Username that the user have chosen
- Name - Name of the user
- Prevent anonymize - Check if the user should not be anonymized even though he/she is considered an "anonymization candidate". As an example this can be used in case of a bad payer. It is possible to change the prevent anonymize field using the edit button.
- Anonymize selected users - Can be used to anonymize all selected users in the table. This is a bulk action.
- Automatic anonymization -This button handles setup related to the automatic anonymization. Currently the only setting is the "Automatic Anonymize before x number of academic years". This field specifies how many academic years a user should have been inactive before they are considered an anonymization candidate by the automatic anonymization system.
Automatic anonymization is added to lessen the manual labor of anonymizing users when a new academic year starts.
It will automatically anonymize Student and Guardian users that have been inactive in an amount of academic years specified on the anonymization page.
Important! The "Automatic Anonymization before x academic years" counts from the current academic year. As an example: If the value is 1, we will only keep user data (students, Guardians) that are active in the current academic year.
Notification to superuser about automatic anonymization
Speedadmin will run a notification job. This will notify the super user specified in (Settings -> (System) Settings -> User control and notification) about an upcoming automatic anonymization. This notification will be done in due time so the super user has a chance to respond to the anonymization job.
What is an Anonymization Candidate
An anonymization candidate is a user that is inactive in a specified amount of academic years and can therefore be anonymized.
The following user types will be anonymized:
- Students
- Guardians
However, the student's or guardian’s data card will be retained, but all personally identifiable information on the data card will be deleted and replaced with "anonymized". Information about tuition, charges and student history will remain, but it will not be possible to see who the guardian or student was.
You CAN NOT anonymize:
- Students active in the current academic year(including guardians)
- Students active in future academic years (including guardians)
- Students on waiting list (incl. Guardians)
- Students re-registered for active or coming academic year (including guardians)
- Students with active instrument hire (including guardians)
- If Student or guardian have unpaid fees in SpeedAdmin
Anonymizing a specific user profile
It is possible to anonymize specific user profiles by accessing the user data card.
Select "Datacard (Profile) -> Functions -> Anonymization".
Selected anonymization can be done for the following profile types:
- Student
- Guardian
- Teacher
- User
The system prevents anonymization of a user profile if:
- Student is active in the current academic year (including guardians)
- Student is active in future academic years (including guardians)
- Student is on waiting list (incl. Guardians)
- Student re-registered for active or coming school year (including guardians)
- Student is with active instrument hire (including guardians)
- If Student or guardian have unpaid fees in SpeedAdmin
- If teacher or user has activities
Be aware that once profiles have been anonymized the can NOT be recovered!