What can you learn here: Giving you an overview over the possibilities in SpeedAdmin to handle Instrument hire. Integrating Instrument hire in the online registration, registering instruments manually and adding a instrument hire contract and assigning fees to be applied to hirers. We will not cover all the functions in detail but give you a guide on how you get the most important elements set up to get going.
This article is designed for: Superusers/Admins
If you already have instruments registered and want to hire out instruments to schools in bulk we have a guide HERE.
What needs to be in set up before starting to work with the instrument hire ?
You need to have instruments registered in the database if you want to register instrument hire. This can be done manually in SEARCH > INSTRUMENTS > NEW INSTRUMENT or you can have SpeedAdmin bulk upload you instrument library. Find our template for bulk uploading instruments with instructions HERE.
Where in SpeedAdmin do I work with with instrument hire ?
Detailed guides below this checklist
- Adding the instrument types and sizes and setting the fee for the type - SETTINGS > INSTRUMENT - SETUP
- Viewing the register and registering a instrument manually - SEARCH > INSTRUMENT
- Modifying fields available on your instrument data card (creating / editing / deleting). SETTINGS > RESOURCE TYPE > INSTRUMENT > expand with arrow >
- Setting up instrument hire application in the online registration. SETTINGS > REGISTRATION SETUP > INSTRUMENT HIRE (TAB) - Switch on "Yes/No" > Add fields (For the hire application) > Select field set (What personal information of the hirer are you registering). You still need to add it to your online registration page as a item to select!
- Adding the instrument hire item as a option on the online registration start page. SETTINGS > REGISTRATION SETUP >GENERAL (TAB) > click >
Accessing the link opens the start page of your registration where the instrument hire element can be added to a spot zone. Select the suitable spot zone (We recommend zone B) > select > > in the spot editor select > Type of spot = Instrument hire: - Reviewing instrument hire applications in the tasks section.
> - Setting up the instrument hire contract template used to generate a Instrument hire contract with hirer and instrument details filled out by SpeedAdmin. SETTINGS > SETTINGS > INSTRUMENT HIRE & ROOM SCHEDULE (TAB) > Select to DOWNLOAD the SpeedAdmin template.
Add your own formatting and logo to the word file. Merge fields from the menu can be added to the template.
Remove the uploaded template and re-upload the new edited version in the same field.
Test the instrument hire template by accessing a student data card. Select the Instrument hire tab
Instrument types & sizes
Instrument types are added when you are registering a instrument in SpeedAdmin. They determine which fee is applied when assigning the instrument to a hirer.
To classify your instruments into instrument groups and add sizes but also to be able to assign different instrument hire fees go to SETTINGS > INSTRUMENT SETUP > INSTRUMENT TYPE (TAB)
First page (type of instrument) you are able to add new instrument types or edit existing ones. To add a type of instrument:
- Fill out the name in the blank field in the column "Type of instrument".
- Add a tuition fee in the drop down in the column "Tuition fee".
- Register the type by selecting "Insert".
To add a tuition fee to all your registered types and hence assigning this fee to all who are hiring a instrument use:
- Select the fee from the drop down in the top of the first page.
- Select "Apply tuition fee"
- If you wish to reset your previous charges that where applied before making these changes use "Charges" > "Delete payments..." then select "Create missing payments..."
If you have not yet set up a fee for your instrument hire see our guide on fees HERE.
Instrument size can be added to your instrument data card when creating a instrument. The information is displayed when filtering your instrument register, assigning a instrument and for reporting.
Instrument size can be added in SETTINGS > INSTRUMENT SETUP > INSTRUMENT SIZE (TAB)
To add a Instrument size:
- Fill out the size in the empty field in the column "Instrument size"
View instrument register and register new instrument
To get the overview over your current instrument stock in SpeedAdmin go to SEARCH > INSTRUMENT.
Here you will get a list of all registered Instruments. Be aware of filters that you have set for the list.
To register a new instrument manually:
- Select >
- Fill out all relevant fields in the data card form
- Select "Create" to register the instrument
The instrument is now a part of your instrument register in SEARCH > INSTRUMENT. And will be available for hire if set as active for hire.
It's also possible to have SpeedAdmin support upload your instrument register in bulk with excel templates found HERE.
Modifying fields available on your instrument data card
It might be necessary to expand what information you can register on your instrument data card or you wish to remove redundant fields that might have been added by importing your instrument register to SpeedAdmin.
To modify the fields of the instrument datacard go to SETTINGS > RESOURCE TYPE > INSTRUMENT > expand with arrow >
To add a field to the dat card of the instruments fill out:
- Field name - This is the name of the field your adding.
- Field type - This determines if what type of input is possible when adding data to the field.
- Order - Determines in which order among the other fields this field should be placed.
- Rights group - This property can only be set after you have registered the record. Determines if restrictions to edit or view should be applied by rights group.
- Tab - Allows you to move this field from the main data card to a tab below the data card. Requires you to have registered a tab in SETTINGS - DATACARD TABS. This can prevent the instrument data card from having too many fields showing on the main data card.
- Allow export to webservice - If you have set up API's to share instrument information on your web site or similar you can determine if the field should be included in this functionality.
- Register the field by pressing "Insert".
Setting up instrument hire application in the online registration
Making the Instrument hire application available for registration consists of several elements but can be broken down to 3 main parts:
- Activating the function and setting up the form (information fields) that need to be filled out.
- Adding the element to the online registration and adding texts
- Reviewing the application from a admin perspective (Inbox "Instrument hire" application)
Activating Instrument hire and adding form fields
- Go to SETTINGS > REGISTRATION SETUP > INSTRUMENT HIRE (TAB) - Switch on the application on with "Yes/No"
- Add fields - For the hire application. Set the name of the field, type of field and if the fields is required.
Let's you change the position of the field. - Select field set - What personal information of the hirer are you registering when selecting instrument hire. Since the case could arise that only a instrument hire application is made in the online registration.
Adding the instrument hire item as a option on the online registration start page
To access the online registration in edit mode you have to be a superuser. To edit go to SETTINGS > REGISTRATION SETUP >GENERAL (TAB) > click >
Once on the start page you are able to add a new element in one of the 3 spot zones by :
- Clicking at the bottom of a spot zone. We recommend using spot zone B since it keeps displaying choices when navigating the registration.
- In the spot zone editor select "Instrument hire".
- Colour scheme - Select which colour to apply to the spot box.
- Spot header - Type in a header for your Instrument hire spot. E.g. "Instrument hire application".
- Image - It is possible to add a image to your instrument hire spot
- Spot text- Fill in further text below the spot title. E.g. "Select this application to add a instrument hire request to your registration"
- Spot link title - This is the title of the link to add the actual application to the basket. E.g. "Add application"
Reviewing instrument hire applications in the tasks section
Once students have registered the application will be submitted separately and will be placed in the task tray in your menu bar in SpeedAdmin. As a super admin you can review the applications, assign a instrument based on the data submitted and process the applications in the process menu.
To access the menu select TASKS > INSTRUMENT HIRE.
IMPORTANT! The applications are displayed by school year selected in SpeedAdmin.
- New applications will be visible in the section "NEW".
- Review the applications by pressing the arrow next to the student name.
- This opens up the application submitted by the applicant. It is possible to add comments to the application in case you need to review or work on organizing a instrument or need to involve other admins. Also you are able to give the application another status such as "In progress" to indicate to other admins that you are working on the application. Also the comments can be restricted by rights groups.
- Once you assign the status "Assigned instrument" the system will enable you to assign a instrument from the register from the SpeedAdmin database.
- The student now has the instrument assigned and you are able to access the student data card through the student id and generate the instrument hire contract and send this by email to the student or guardian.
Setting up the instrument hire contract template
To enable the system to automatically generate a standard instrument hire contract it needs to be uploaded with the merge fields necessary for your contract.
- Select to DOWNLOAD the SpeedAdmin template. This template can be used as a basis for your hire contract. Adapt the design as well as fonts and graphics.
- Insert merge fields in the sections in the contract you wish SpeedAdmin to populate.
- The list of merge fields can be found in the section - "Merge fields that can be used in the instrument hire contract template."
- Remove the standard template and re-upload the new edited version in the section.
- Test the instrument hire template by accessing a student data card of a student with a assigned instrument hire.
- Select the Instrument hire tab and choose to download the instrument hire contract.
- This will download the instrument hire contract in your default download location of your browser.