What you can learn here: How to setup a payer to pay in installments
This article is designed for: Superusers/Admins
Why learn how to setup installments?
This will allow you to give more flexibility in how your service receives money from payers.
Searching for a payer to add installments
To find a payer's account to add the installments, go to "Finance"->"Account overview"
This will take you to the overview all of finances in SpeedAdmin.
Here you will find all the payers and be able to choose which one. You can do this by using the "search box" and entering the payer name or debtor number
Creating the installment
In 5 easy steps...
1. Click on the next to the payer
2. Select Installment settings
3. Choose the debt type, what type of installment you want the payer to have:
- Weekly Installment
- Monthly Installment
- Other Installments
- Suspended
- Bad Debt
- No Installment
4. If you choose Weekly, Monthly or other installment, put in the minimum amount the payer must pay for each installment.
5. Save
What happens next?
Every account that pays by installments will be moved into the Installments/ Debts Overview at the top
Payers that have an installment plan will not go into the overdue category but stay in the Installments/ Debt.
There will also be an indicator on their account overview .
Their account will follow the normal “flow” going into pending, and paid, but just never end up in “overdue”, so you don’t chase them by accident.
When the payer next logs in and selects pay by card, on their dashboard they will see this:
They are now able to pay from the amount that you set and their total balance.