Like student charges can be created based on student activities, so can school charges be based on the schools activities. There are 3 possibilities:
- A specific students activities can be directly linked to the school being the payer for the charges that would otherwise be assigned to the parent.
- A tuition fee can be linked to an ensemble through the base course/course type of the Ensemble if the "Course teaching type" is WholeClass or Workshop (also using for Peri work). Thereby assigning a Fixed fee to the school for the ensemble per rate.
- An hourly rate can be linked to an ensemble, lesson or ad hoc booking, and the charge will be assigned to the "Course school" of any of these. The charges too the school is based on the number of bookings in the specified period. Any change in the bookings, or cancellations set to give reimbursement will be calculated in or added as an amendment.
- Create a manual charge for any activity or add on a school should be invoiced for.
Please see Webinar 24/2-21 for more information
Working on further instructions
1) For assigning school to payer for student activity
see Split charges (Parent/School)
2) Fixed fee for Whole Class / Workshop
First you need to ask Support to activate feature F_ENSEMBLE_PAYMENTS
3) Hourly rate
First you need to ask Support to activate feature F_SCHOOLBILLING
- Create the "Hourly rate" (Setting - Hourly rate)
- Assign the "Hourly rate" to the course/course type
- Create the Ensemble or Lesson with this course/course type and make sure to link a Course school.
- OR create a manual ad hoc booking and assign the Course school and Hourly rate you want to be using.
- On the school profile - Charge tab - update the wanted rates on the specific school.
- OR for all schools on Settings - Generate charges
- You can update the charges at any time, and in particular when there have been changes to the booking or cancellations with reimbursement to ensure the charges are correct.
4) Create manual charge
It is also possible to add a charge 100% manually according to this Step-by-step guide:
- Setup a tuition fee with inactive rates and amount can be zero:
- Search the school you wish to add a payment for by using the “Super-searcher”, or Search -> School
- On School profile choose the tab “Charges” and Click "Add manual Charge
4. Add
- the Rate / Tuition Fee you wish to use
- Text to be viewed on invoice
- Fee / Amount you wish to charge them for.
- Invoice will now be posted/accounted from Accounting - Invoicing separate from students, and thereby send a school invoice as an attached PDF to the email by adding the mergefield <AttatchPendingOrders> way in the bottom of the email.
Invoices can also be downloaded manually from the Account page or the school can download any unpaid invoice or a full account statement when they log into their profile:
Text on the invoice template can be added on Settings - Settings - Invoice template.
If further amendments is needed on the template please Contact Speedadmin Support to get an offer on your customised invoice template.
On the Accounting - Account overview page it is possible to track only school payments by using the "Payer type" filter at the top of the page, and thereby send out reminders separate to schools.