In SpeedAdmin most charges are added automatic through the lesson, ensemble og instrument hire.
We recommend you never start adding manual charge for any of these activities, but make sure the settings are corrected to charging is automized.
But for some cost it is needed to add a manual charge to a student or school, which can be done i two different ways:
1. Add the charge as an adjustment on an already existing fee:
On the student or payers "Charges" tab click the amount you wish to add the charge to:
I the "Charge information" window opening you are now able to add en extra line (adjustment) to the original fee. Both text, ledger code and amount needs to be added. Amount can both be negative (credit) and positive:
When adjustments are added click "Update and Close".
Adjustments like this can be done on not invoiced charges. If adding to a invoiced rate you need to use the "Reset" functionality whereby you can edit the reimbursed amount and text and thereby create an adjustment.
BE AWARE - if adding a manual charge this way it might go into any automatic discount function and thereby not be charged full amount. Also if you are using the Reimbursement functionality (Settings - Charge Functions - Reimbursement), the adjustment will be counted as part of the yearly cost for the activity. Thereby might reimburse more money than it should.
2. Adding a "Student tuition fee" manually
You are also able to add a full fee (all rates) or a specific rate of a fee to a student independent of active course or instrument hire. You should always strive to have the setup work as automatic so adding fees manually is not necessary, but this function is good for adding charges that is independent of an activity.
- Create a fee and the relevant number of rates. When adding manually rates/fees, the dates is not that important, and the amount can always be edited after the rate have been assigned, so create few rates that can be used for several different charges to be assign. Tex:
- Now you can go to the student profile - "Student tuition fee" tab:
- "Tution fee" (drop down) - to add multiple rates of a fee
- "Apply specific..." (Drop down) - to just add one rate of charges.
- Start/End date - only relevant when adding multiple rates
- Supplementary - if unticked will overwrite all other charges on the student!!!
- After adding one or more rates you can go to the "Charges" tab and easy edit the amount and/or text and ledger code by clicking the blue amount so "Charge information" opens to edit. Update and close.
The manually added charge is now ready to invoice!