Musik- og kulturskoler i Nordeuropa
Speedadmin deltar regelbundet i kulturskolekonferenser i olika länder. Pga. coronasituationen är dessa tyvärr i stort sett avlysta i år. Den årliga engelska konferensen Music Mark blir därför digital i år. De har ett riktigt spännande program som kan vara relevant för er?
Music Mark – the UK Association for Music Education - will be running its Annual Conference virtually this year. Play On – the Music in Music Education will focus on musical learning rather than about specific country curricula, strategy or policy. Click here to view details and how to book and here for a pdf of the full programme. The sessions will focus on ‘the music in music education’ – with discussions about composition, specific genres, pedagogy and technique. It’s a conference with something for all music educators and leaders wherever they are based. The delegate ticket provides access to the live event on the 20th November (with 4 panel discussions, 8 webinars and two keynote speeches) as well as to the pre-recorded content which will be available from the 16th November and all the live content as recordings after the 20th. All recorded content will be captioned. Everything will be housed on a microsite which will stay live for over 6 weeks so delegates will have access to about 25 sessions as often as they would like to! And there is an exhibition from our Corporate Partners – including SpeedAdmin - for delegates to explore too.
Speedadmin har också just blivit medlem i VdM, som är musikskolföreningen i Tyskland. Här har vi den första konferensen tillgodo, men ser fram emot att delta och dela goda erfarenheter om undervisning och administration med er alla.