Intro of new features
Following new features was introduced, and feedback was taken to improve even more:
- New List/Reporting function
- Study plan (Now also with Live video and student upload files etc.)
- New registration form (Now also direct sign up for ensembles)
- APP for teachers and student/guardian (Now also with links to Studyplan)
- Assessment and Grades/Assessment level (Now possible to add own gradesystem + select Exam board) Will not be possible to send assessments out in bulks.
Safeguarding fields
Following fields will be created as hardcoded fields in teacher profiles, thereby giving us some more possibilities to share these info with the relevant users. And also possible to flag up any upcoming updates that need so be done.
We agreed that relevant fields for all would be:
- DBS Number (ONLY Number)
- Date issued / updated (ONLY Date – no timestamp)
- Update service due date (ONLY Date)
- Safe Guard training date (ONLY Date – no timestamp)
Datareturn report needs small adjustments, but overall seems to be saving a lot of time in the collection period. Adjustmenst to be done
- Wholeclass info - yeargroup and "assumed" continuers from wholeclass
- Smallgroup, Largegroup, individual setting to be moved to "Course type"
- Engaged students per term for termly reports
Wholeclass functionality
Current wholeclass functionality needs some updates. Development will have focus towards beginning of the new academic year.
- Schools requesting wholeclass / Peri - needs to have other setup for more info, and be able to create wholeclass cross yeargroups (Datareturn)
- Handling of the request will go into a status page instead of the current "Vacancy" page. From here easier to create the groups.
- More yeargroup info on the group it self.
Needed right to tailor access for school contacts - this have been done.
Following changes/updates was agreed upon:
Checkout |
Request Apply |
Accounting |
Invoicing |
Posted |
Invoiced |
Auditing |
Account overview |
Payments |
Charges |
Ensemble |
?? still to be decided :) |
Orders |
Invoices |
Chief developer Karsten went throug the roadmap of larger updates in the time to come, an showed some prototypes of what could be expected.
- Instrument bulk hire! Expected in August 2020.
- Inbox (keep all communication within Speedadmin)
- Profile pages
- Booking (rotating etc.)
Thank you all for an absolutely amazing day!
And see you all next year!!!....