This guide will show you how to create course types, which are then added to your courses.
Creating course types (Settings > Course types)
Here you will set up the different types of teaching delivered by your service, e.g. Individual 20 minutes, Individual 30 minutes, 2 in a Group 30 minutes, Music Centre ensemble etc.
These course types are then assigned to your different Courses. The Course type field can also be added to Lists, enabling you to monitor all tuition across different courses (e.g. if you want to report on all individual tuition taking place).
When you first open the course type area, you will see two example course types, Ensemble and Solo. To start adding your own course types, enter the relevant information into the empty fields:
- Enter the name of your course type e.g. Individual 20 minutes
- If desired, you can add additional text which will show on the charge line for the payer
- Enter the number of minutes per session for this course type e.g. 20 minutes
- Enter the number of lessons for this course type e.g. 33 lessons
- If your course type is an ensemble, select the ‘Ensemble, class or choir?’ tick box. This does not need to be ticked for individual or small group lessons.
- Select ‘Insert’ to save.
- Repeat steps 1-6 as needed to enter all course types.
Top tip! – the number of minutes and lessons you enter here should be the most general use. You can subsequently edit the number of minutes and lessons when adding them to each course.