This guide will show you how your school contacts can request school provision through SpeedAdmin, and how they can then manage their requests and access an overview of all their ensembles.
Top tip - You must be logged in as a school contact to make a school provision request! If you do not already have one, we recommend creating a test school and test school contact account so that you can practise going through the process. See our School Contact Access guide for more information.
Once you have set up your school provision courses, your contacts can then request tuition from you, directly through SpeedAdmin. See our School Provision Requests (Admin Overview) guide for advice on how to set this up.
Requesting School Provision
Your school contacts will be able to access the request area via their Menu. When they select the ‘School Provision Request’ menu option, they will be able to see all of your available school provision courses.
- Select ‘Subject Area’ to filter the courses by Subject Area
- Search for a specific course
- Select ‘Show more’ to show the available course types for that course, the tuition fees, and whether these are termly or hourly.
- To make a request, select ‘Request tuition’:
Once selected, your school contact will see the request form. All completed fields can be amended by the service at the point of creating the ensemble. The start date is the only mandatory field, and the T&Cs must be accepted to submit the request.
- Enter the preferred start date for the provision
- Number of minutes is pre-filled from the course type (but can be changed)
- Number of lessons is pre-filled from the course type (but can be changed)
- Confirm whether instruments are required and which type (from dropdown)
- Enter the number of instruments required for ALL participants (student and adults)
- Select at least 3 preferred days/times for the provision
- Enter the year group details, number of students, including SEND, PP and LAC; if required, additional lines can be added for classes with mixed year groups
- Add any additional comments or request information
- Confirm acceptance of the T&Cs
- Select ‘Submit’ to save the request:
Monitoring requests
Once submitted, this will open the school overview where they can monitor the status of their requests. Under the ‘Requested Tuition’ tab, school contacts can also:
- Filter requests by their status
- Filter submitted requests by Subject Area
- Request changes to their original request
- Create a copy of the request (e.g. if they have a second class, or want to select another course for the same group of students)
- Make a new request from scratch:
If your service has contacted the school regarding their ensemble, they will receive a notification for this, and these ensembles will then appear under ‘Pending School’:
When the school contact replies via ‘Request change’, this will change the status of the request to ‘Pending Admin’, which you will then see under the service’s Admin Overview.
Overview of ensembles
Schools also have an overview of all their ensembles, regardless of whether these were requested via SpeedAdmin or manually created by service admin. Under the ‘Ensembles’ tab, school contacts can also request a continuation of the ensemble into the next academic year, providing your service has allowed re-registration for the ensemble and added the right for your school contacts to do so: